In honor of the commencement of works on the JTEKT factory, a ground-breaking ceremony was held by Mr. Tetsuo Agata, JTEKT Corporation President, and Mr. Moulay Hafid Elalamy, Minister of Industry, Investment, Trade and Economy, and co-hosted by Mr. Fouad Brini, president of Tanger Med.
The factory will produce electrical power steering systems for the local Moroccan car manufacturing industry, with a target of 230,000 power systems starting from 2020.
Advanced Vision Morocco is in charge of all mechanical systems needed for this project.
The 11,300 square meter plant in Tangier Automotive City will also accommodate production lines for Fuji Morocco, a JTEKT subsidiary which produces manual columns. This integration will strengthen JTEKT's ability to offer brand new steering systems, and thereby solidify its position in the global market.